![Smile before action](http://i57.tinypic.com/14b4077.jpg)
Smile before action
![Brunch time](http://i59.tinypic.com/zukyuq.jpg)
Brunch time. Could you guess which one is taufik?
![Saber Team volunteer as police partner](http://i57.tinypic.com/2u95mjn.jpg)
Saber team volunteer as police partner at taman catylea. AKBP Ipung Purnomo S.Ip, M.Si. delivered registered saber team to Mr. Siswanto and Mr. Agus as saber representative.
![Say Semangat](http://i60.tinypic.com/s2xmaw.jpg)
Say "Semangat!", for a good moment.
![Being saber team registered member](http://i62.tinypic.com/k2jo7p.jpg)
Being saber team registered member.
We are no hero, we are human being like you who have spare time to wipe out any nails on the street, By slowing down your vehicle when we are on your site, say "Thank you!", and your prayer is more than enough to us. Respect your life by driving safely!
It should be published on last Saturday, June 6th, 2015. After 17.00 local time. For this one, i am very sorry.
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