Tuesday, March 12, 2013

oerip08 Has Been Listed On Direktori Weblog

oerip08 has been listed on Direktori Weblog

oerip08 ~ your click is your power to earn money online on bilingua: English and Bahasa Indonesia, supposed not to be on "online business" which has ten millions or more followers. oerip08 has categorized as "marketing" which has not only millions of followers and could be billions website or blog.

Every day, there are thousand of website or blog has been bulit which has same themes and keyword. oerip08 about earn money online,make money online dan blog monetization (made your blog as cash machine) including affiliate marketing, online marketing, paid to click, paid to read, pay to click, click per million, contextual advertising, traffic exchange, tracking visitors, keyword optimization, search engine optimization, referral links, commenting on others and friendship.

oerip08 ~ your click is your power to earn money online dalam dua bahasa atau bilingua: Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia, sengaja tidak dimasukan dalam kategori "bisnis online" yang pengikutnya mungkin puluhan juta bahkan lebih. oerip08 masuk kategori "marketing" yang pengikutnya bukan lagi jutaan. Ini sudah miliaran umat.

Tiap hari ada ribuan blog atau situs baru bermunculan dengan tema dan keyword sama. oerip08 tentang earn money online,make money online dan blog monetization (membuat blog penghasil uang) berisi affiliate marketing, online marketing, paid to click, paid to read, pay to click, click per million, contextual advertising, traffic exchange, tracking visitors, keyword optimization, search engine optimization, referral links, commenting on others and friendship.

Note: Images and description in Bahasa Indonesia has been copied from Direktori Weblog. I am translating in english version.

Note: Gambar dan deskripsi bahasa Indonesia di-copy dari Direktori Weblog. Saya menerjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris.

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