Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Minimum Payout Limits Increased

Minimum Payout Limits Increased - Feb 04, 2013

Minimum Payout Limits Increased

Hello Members, as the site is growing very fast, we really get many payment requests a day and as we have to check each of them, its taking too much time. So we have changed the stepped payouts limit a bit so please check for them in the Cashout Page. The 1st Minimum is still $0.6 so that New Members can always reach it and try the site. :) And also maximum will be $3 (though right now its $2.5 for 5th and subsequent payments but will increase it to $3, just don\'t want members who are close to that limit to wait more :)).. These limits should still be very easy to reach, ESPECIALLY if you do FB Likes, we not have many ads there again especially for premium members. And we working hard to get more and more.. :)Let us know if anyone have any doubt or issues..

Thanks & Best Regards..
Julia & Saket

Minimum Payout Limits Increased


  1. Informasi menarik yang sabgat berguna
    terima kasih sudah berbagi sobat

  2. Alhamdulillah, boleh kenalan pak penyuluh perikanan? Nama panggilan atau nama asli-nya siapa ya pak?

  3. ini apaan yah gan? -,-

    maaf kepo.

    1. Informasi dari admin Cashnhits untuk semua member-nya di seluruh dunia.

      Minat bergabung?
